HDR1010500000230311111430KCCO EXPORT BULK WHEAT SOLICITATION KCPG6-391 1. Solicitation Number: KCPG6-391 2. Solicitation Issue Date: March 11, 2011 3. Issued By: International Procurement Division USDA - Farm Service Agency Beacon Facility - Mail Stop 8738 P.O. Box 419205 Kansas City, MO 64141-6205 4. Solicitation Type: Sealed Bids (IFB) 5. Offer Due Date/Local Time: March 16, 2011, 2:00 p.m., CST 6. Award Notification Date: March 17, 2011, 9:15 a.m., CST 7. Public Release of Award Date: March 17, 2011, 4:00 p.m., CST 8. Solicitation Information Contact: Name: Janet Cleveland Telephone Number: 816-926-2540 Email: janet.cleveland@kcc.usda.gov 9. Internet Address: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home&subject=coop&topic=pas 10. This Acquisition is: /x/ Unrestricted / / Set Aside (Quantity) / / Small Business / / 8(a) (Quantity) HUBZONE PRICE EVALUATION PREFERENCE The Government will award contracts to eligible HUBZone bidders as provided in Part 2, Section A.4 of the Master Solicitation for Commodity Procurements at: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home&subject=coop&topic=pas-ex-cr. If the bidder elects to waive the preference, it shall so indicate in its bid. 11. NAICS Codes/Size Standards: See Master Solicitation for Commodity Procurements at: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home&subject=coop&topic=pas-ex-cr 12. Delivery Type: /x/ F.o.b. vessel / / F.a.s vessel 13. Submit Invoices to: FCMO - Invoice Payment Group USDA - Farm Service Agency Beacon Facility - Mail Stop 8578 P.O. Box 419205 Kansas City, MO 64141-6205 For express mail: FCMO - Invoice Payment Group USDA - Farm Service Agency Beacon Facility - Mail Stop 8578 9240 Troost Ave. Kansas City, MO 64131-3055 For questions concerning invoices contact Payment Certification Branch at 816-926-6205. 14. Submission of offers: Bids shall be submitted by regular mail, express mail, facsimile, or hand delivered. Bids shall be addressed to the contracting officer indicated below, Attn: International Procurement Division Bid Box. Facsimile Numbers are 816-926- 6795. Facsimile bids shall be addressed to contracting officer, Kansas City Commodity Office, Attn: International Procurement Division Bid Box. For assistance contact KC Administrative Office Communications Center at 816-823-1012. For express mail: International Procurement Division USDA - Farm Service Agency Beacon Facility - Mail Stop 8738 9240 Troost Ave. Kansas City, MO 64131-3055 For hand delivery: International Procurement Division USDA - Farm Service Agency 6501 Beacon Drive Kansas City, MO 64133-4676 Offer form KC-331 is available at: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home&subject=coop&topic=pas 15. Schedule of Supplies. The commodities procured under this solicitaiton are for the following programs(s): /x/ P.L. 480 Title II (Procured by FSA on behalf of CCC) / / P.L. 480 Title III (Procured by FSA on behalf of CCC) / / Food For Progress (Procured by FSA on behalf of CCC) / / McGovern-Dole Food For Education / / Section 416(b) (Procured by FSA on behalf of CCC) / / Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust (Procured by FSA on behalf of CCC) Bids may be submitted for quantities less than those specified. The quantity awarded at the time of vessel nomination may be 5 percent more or less at the Government's option at contract price. Up to 27,260 metric tons (1,001,623 bushels [Government's option to contract up to 15 percent more]) of U.S. No. 2 O/B Hard Red Winter wheat, ordinary protein, maximum 13.5 percent moisture, dockage not to exceed 0.6 percent, for Ethiopia. Agency Metric Tons WFP 17,260 CRS 10,000 16. Shipment/Delivery Schedule: DELIVERY PERIOD: March 31 – April 11, 2011 17. Other Requirements: All dockage on wheat is deductible. Wheat shall be tested for vomitoxin. Testing is to be performed by the Field Management Division, FGIS, by sublot. Shipments exceeding a level of 2 ppm or more by sublot shall be rejected to the contractor. FGIS vomitoxin certificate required to be furnished with invoice. Statement certifying commodity conforms to the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act is required to be furnished with invoice. Vessels shall be fumigated with an aluminum phosphide preparation in-transit. Contractor shall arrange and pay for in-transit fumigation performed by a certified applicator in accordance with the USDA, FGIS Fumigation Handbook (http://www.gipsa.usda.gov/GIPSA/webapp?area=home&subject=lr&topic=hb-fu). Fumigation shall be witnessed by FGIS, USDA, and the aluminum phosphide preparation shall be contained in packaging as described in the Fumigation Handbook. Dust retainers shall be used. For bulk carriers (including push mode integrated tug barges), the recirculation method of fumigation shall be used. When the recirculation method is required, the contractor at the first port of loading shall be responsible for arranging fumigation for the entire vessel. When the surface method is required, the contractor at the last port of loading shall be responsible for arranging fumigation for the entire vessel. Separate commodity and fumigation bids should be provided on the bid form. Demurrage and despatch shall be provided for as defined in the Charter Party. Demurrage, when applicable, shall be paid directly to the vessel owner by the contractor. Despatch, when applicable, shall be paid directly to the contractor by the vessel owner. Laytime issues are to be settled directly between the vessel owner and the contractor. Laytime calculations, overtime, and trimmings are to be resolved in accordance with Addendum No. 1 of the North American Export Grain Association, Inc., (NAEGA), FOB Contract No. 2 (Revised as of May 1, 2000), Clause No. 1-10 inclusive. Further, the following modification to NAEGA, Addendum No. 1, shall apply: In NAEGA, Addendum No. 1, anywhere the word "buyer" appears, the words "vessel owner" should be substituted in its place. Under no circumstances shall the Government be responsible for the calculation of laytime or the payment of demurrage or despatch between the vessel owner and the contractor. Any/all disputes between the vessel owner and the contractor arising out of this contract relating to the settlement of laytime and/or the payment of demurrage/despatch shall be arbitrated in New York subject to the rules of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc. The following loading rate guarantee shall apply to all U.S. Government sponsored Food Aid and shall be based on the vessel contracted quantity, which is the total quantity contracted by the vessel charterer(s) to load onboard the vessel nominated by the Government to the contractor. The vessel contracted quantity may include separately contracted quantities that will be loaded by other contractors, and thus may be subject to a higher load rate guarantee. Notwithstanding any custom of the port to the contrary, Saturday shall not count as laytime at loading port or ports where stevedoring labor and/or grain handling facilities are unavailable on Saturday or available only at overtime and/or premium rates. In ports where only part of Saturday is affected by such conditions, as described above, laytime shall count until the expiration of the last straight time period. Where six or more hours of work are performed at normal rates, Saturday shall count as a full lay day. BULK CARRIERS: VESSEL CONTRACTED QUANTITY LOADING RATE GUARANTEE 0 - 9,999.99 MT 4,000 MT Per Day 10,000 - 19,999.99 MT 5,000 MT Per Day 20,000 - 29,999.99 MT 6,000 MT Per Day 30,000 - 39,999.99 MT 7,500 MT Per Day 40,000 - 49,999.99 MT 10,000 MT Per Day 50,000 MT and above 12,000 MT Per Day TANKERS: VESSEL CONTRACTED QUANTITY LOADING RATE GUARANTEE 0 - 9,999.99 MT 4,000 MT Per Day 10,000 - 19,999.99 MT 5,000 MT Per Day 20,000 - 29,999.99 MT 6,000 MT Per Day 30,000 MT and above 7,500 MT Per Day TWEEN-DECKERS: The load guarantee shall be 3,000 MT per day. LASH/SEABEE BARGES: The load guarantee shall not apply The loading of ocean going barges shall be paid at the same rate as bulk carrier. No wharfage or loadout charges shall be paid by the Government. The grade, class, subclass, all individual quality factors, protein content (if applicable), and quantity of the commodity delivered shall be established by official FGIS analysis at the time of loading to the vessel and officially certified by the FGIS on clear white grade certificates and weight certificates. The definitions, grades, and grading factors will be those contained in the Official United States Standards for Grains/Milled Rice issued by FGIS and in effect at the time of purchase by the Government. The standards are available at: http://www.gipsa.usda.gov/GIPSA/webapp?area=home&subject=grpi&topic=sq-ous 18. FAR and Agriculture Acquisition Regulation (AGAR) Provisions and Clauses: A. This solicitation shall be subject to the terms and conditions of KCCO's Master Solicitation for Commodity Procurements (MSCP) in effect as of the date of this solicitation and can be found at: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/daco/FAR/FAR.htm. The FAR and AGAR provisions and clauses applicable to this solicitation are contained in the MSCP. B. The alteration to FAR provision 52.214-22, Evaluation of Bids for Multiple Awards, found in FAR provision 52.252-3 in the MSCP is deleted for this solicitation. FAR provision 52.214-22 is incorporated into the contract without alteration. C. / / Applicable if checked. FAR Clause 52.232-18, Availability of Funds (Apr 1984). Funds are not presently available for this contract. The Government's obligation under this contract is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise until funds are made available to the contracting officer for this contract and until the contractor receives notice of such availability, to be confirmed in writing by the contracting officer. /s/ Robert Buxton Contracting Officer, USDA