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South Dakota FSA Hosting April 7 Webinar about Perennial Cover Pilot CRP Program

News Release
South Dakota
Release Date
April 07, 2020

HURON, SOUTH DAKOTA, April 1, 2020 –The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) in South Dakota is hosting a webinar at 1 p.m. (CDT) April 7 to share details and answer questions about the new Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Soil Health and Income Protection Program (SHIPP) pilot. This pilot program enables farmers in South Dakota, and four other prairie pothole states, to receive payments for planting perennial cover for conservation use for three to five years. The signup began March 30 and ends August 21.

The 30-minute webinar will share basic information about SHIPP benefits, eligibility and rental rates and will provide time for questions and answers. You can join the South Dakota FSA Soil Health and Income Protection Program (SHIPP) Webinar on April 7 through the following link:

Through SHIPP, producers have the option of three-, four- or five-year CRP contracts to establish perennial cover on less productive cropland in exchange for payments. This pilot enables producers to plant perennial cover that, among other benefits, will improve soil health and water quality while having the option to harvest, hay and graze during certain times of the year. Up to 50,000 acres can be enrolled and participation will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Perennial cover, whether used in a single crop rotation or over multiple years, can improve the productivity of soils and soil health on a farm for generations and increase the bottom line for the farmer. Soil health, or soil quality, by definition, is the capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals and humans. 

For more information, see the fact sheet or visit and contact your local office. USDA Service Centers are open for business by phone appointment only and field work will continue with appropriate social distancing. While our program delivery staff will continue to come into the office, they will be working with our producers by phone, and using online tools whenever possible. All Service Center visitors wishing to conduct business with the FSA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or any other Service Center agency are required to call their Service Center to schedule a phone appointment. More information can be found at

Farm Service Agency:

1400 Independence Ave. 
SW Washington, DC 20250 


FPAC Press Desk