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Share Your Harvesting Experience for’s #Harvest2023 campaign

News Release
Release Date
October 10, 2023

Share what you’re harvesting this season on social media.

As America’s farmers harvest the crops that feed, clothe, and fuel our world, let’s fill the social media feed with their stories about this year’s harvest season. We’d also like to see how it’s going for farmers that participated in our #Plant2023 campaign in the spring.

To share your experience on @FarmersGov social media, follow these steps:

  • Collect photos of what’s happening on your operation as you harvest.
  • If you're comfortable, we’d love to see the people that make it happen, like friends and family.
  • Write an email to, attach your photos/video, and tell us:
    • Your name, the location of your operation, and the name of your operation
    • Your operation’s Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter pages, if you have them.
    •  What are you harvesting this year?
    •  Where does your harvest go? How is it used?
    •  What are your personal thoughts on this year’s harvest season?

Please note that by submitting your photo/video, you are granting USDA permission to use these materials for outreach and education purposes.

Remember to follow @FarmersGov on FacebookX (formerly known as Twitter), and Instagram, and we look forward to sharing your story!

Farm Service Agency:

1400 Independence Ave. 
SW Washington, DC 20250 


FPAC Press Desk