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Farm Service Agency in New York to Host Meetings on Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2

News Release
New York
Release Date
November 10, 2020

SYRACUSE, NY, November 10, 2020 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) in New York is hosting two meetings about the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 (CFAP 2). The first meeting will be Tuesday, November 17th at noon, and the second, which will focus on the specialty crops portion of CFAP 2, will be Wednesday, November 18th at noon.

The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 is available to farmers and ranchers whose operations have been directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. CFAP 2 provides direct relief to producers who continue to face price declines and additional marketing costs due to COVID-19. The meetings will highlight program information and discuss the application process.

Eligible Commodities

CFAP 2 supports eligible producers of row crops, livestock, specialty crops, dairy, aquaculture, and many other commodities, including many that were ineligible for CFAP 1. FSA’s CFAP 2 Eligible Commodities Finder makes finding eligible commodities and payment rates simple. Access this tool and other resources at

The meetings will be available to attend online or with a conference call phone number. Please email to receive a calendar invite to the webinars, or follows these links at the appropriate times:

Tuesday, November 17th at noon or call: 347-690-4420; Conference ID: 180 987 070# 

Wednesday, November 18th at noon or call: 347-690-4420; Conference ID: 213 096 577#

FSA is accepting applications for CFAP 2 through December 11, 2020. To find the latest information on CFAP 2, eligible crops, payment rates, and the application and payment calculator, visit

Persons with disabilities who require accommodations to participate in this meeting should contact Lynnette Wright at (315) 477-6309 or Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339, by November 16, 2020.

Farm Service Agency:

1400 Independence Ave. 
SW Washington, DC 20250 


FPAC Press Desk