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Ohio State Programs

Meet Our Key Program Contacts

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our programs, feel free to contact us at 614-255-2441. Listed below are the chief program specialists for each of our program sections.

Program Section - Contact

Administrative Programs - Traci Garza

Conservation Programs - Brandi Koehler

Farm Loan Programs - Darren Metzger

Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist - Hayes Hubbs

Price Support Programs - Trevor Kerr

Production Adjustment, Compliance and Risk Management Programs - Matt Kleski

National Programs

Below is a list of common programs administered in Ohio FSA offices. This is not a comprehensive list of all programs offered by FSA. To see if we have a program right for your unique situation, or to discuss a program that is not listed on our page, please contact your local Service Center to speak with our knowledgeable staff.

Administrative Division

All duties normally associated with administration to support the Agency's workforce in Ohio as they provide services to farmers, producers and the general population. This includes human resource support, budget and fiscal management, contracting and purchasing, leasing office space, etc.

FSA serves the people of Ohio through 66 offices with some offices serving more than one county. Click here to contact your local office directly. The mission of FSA is guided locally by elected FSA county committees with program implementation carried out by permanent employees supplemented by temporary staff according to workload demands.

Information on working for FSA, contacting the various program departments, obtaining general information and links to specific information on our programs, please see the Ohio FSA homepage.

Interested in a FOIA request, visit our National FSA FOIA website.

Conservation and Price Support Programs

Farm Storage Facility Loans (FSFL) - The FSFL program offers low interest loans for construction of new grain, biomass, hay, or cold storage facilities.

Marketing Assistance Loans (MAL) - MAL is a low interest, short-term commodity loan that makes it possible for producers to store their grain while prices are typically lower and still have funds to maintain their operating expenses.

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) - CRP is a 10- 15 year contract program for cropland. In exchange for an annual payment, landowners and/or operators agree to plant a conservation cover and maintain it for the life of the applicable contract.

More on FSA's Conservation Programs.

More on FSA's Price Support Programs.

Disaster and Production Programs

Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) - NAP provides financial assistance to producers of noninsurable crops when low yields, loss of inventory or prevented planting occur due to a natural disaster.

Dairy Margin Coverage Program- The 2018 Farm Bill authorized the new Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program, which is a voluntary risk management program for dairy producers. DMC replaces the Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy).

DMC continues to offer protection to dairy producers when the difference between the all milk price and the average feed price (the margin) falls below a certain dollar amount selected by the producer.

Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage Program (PLC) -The Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs were authorized by the 2014 and 2018 Farm Bills. ARC and PLC combine provisions from previous programs delivered by the FSA (the counter-cyclical portion of the Direct and Counter-Cyclical Program, the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments Program and the Average Crop Revenue Election Program) with revenue insurance delivered by the Risk Management Agency.

More on FSA's Disaster Assistance Programs.

Farm Loan Programs

Direct Farm Operating Loans and Microloans- Eligible applicants may obtain direct loans for up to a maximum indebtedness of $400,000. Two types of microloans are available: Farm Operating Loans and Farm Ownership Loans. The microloans are issued to the applicant directly from FSA. Applicants may apply for microloans totaling a combined maximum of $100,000: Up to $50,000 for a farm ownership loan and up to $50,000 for an operating loan. Guaranteed farm loans are also available through FSA.

Youth Loans- FSA makes loans to individual youths to establish and operate income-producing projects of modest size in connection with their participation in 4-H clubs, FFA and similar organizations.

Emergency Loans- The purpose of the Emergency Farm Loan is to help producers recover from production and physical losses due to drought, flooding, other natural disasters or quarantine.

More on FSA's Farm Loan Programs.