FSA Makes Changes to Farm Loan, Disaster, Conservation and Safety Net Programs to Make it Easier for Customers to Conduct Business
SAINT PAUL, MN, March 26, 2020 – USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) county offices are open in Minnesota by phone appointment only until further notice, and FSA staff are available to continue helping agricultural producers with program signups, loan servicing and other important actions. Additionally, FSA is relaxing the loan-making process and adding flexibilities for servicing direct and guaranteed loans to provide credit to producers in need.
USDA Extends Deadline for Spot Market Hog Pandemic Program
Farm Service Agency Will Accept Applications Through April 15
USDA Announces Availability of Low-Interest Physical Loss Loans for Producers Affected by Natural Disasters – Wildfire and Excessive High Winds
Physical loss loans through the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) can help producers repair or replace damaged or destroyed physical property essential to the success of the agricultural operation, including livestock losses. Examples of property commonly affected include essential farm buildings, fixtures to real estate, equipment, livestock, perennial crops, fruit and nut bearing trees, and harvested or stored crops and hay.
Impacted Area: Texas
USDA Announces Updates for Honeybee Producers
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26, 2020 — The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) today announced updates to the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP). These updates include changes required by the 2018 Farm Bill as well as discretionary changes intended to improve the administration of the program and clarify existing program requirements.
USDA Offers Targeted Farm Loan Funding for Underserved Groups and Beginning Farmers
Contact: Greer Gill
(NASHVILLE, TN) – March 8, 2022 -- USDA Tennessee Farm Service Agency (FSA) State Executive Director, John Litz, reminds producers that FSA offers targeted farm ownership and farm operating loans to assist underserved applicants as well as beginning farmers and ranchers.
Applications for USDA Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Grants Due April 9
- Read more about Applications for USDA Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Grants Due April 9
WASHINGTON, March 19, 2024 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting applications for grants to support urban agriculture and innovative production. Applications for USDA’s Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production grants are due April 9, 2024, via grants.gov.
USDA Announces Flexibilities for Producers Filing ‘Notice of Loss’ for Failed, Prevented Planted Acres
WASHINGTON, D.C., July 2, 2020 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is providing additional flexibilities for producers to file on acres with failed crops or crops that were prevented from planting because of extreme weather events. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is adding these flexibilities for Notice of Loss on both insured and uninsured crops to enable Service Centers to best assist producers. Mississippi State Office
USDA Updates Farm Loan Programs to Increase Equity
WASHINGTON, March 8, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is updating its farm loan programs to better support current borrowers, including historically underserved producers. These improvements are part of USDA’s commitment to increase equity in all programs, including farm loans that provide important access to capital for covering operating expenses and purchasing land and equipment.