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USDA Designates Four Rhode Island Counties as Primary Natural Disaster Areas

This Secretarial natural disaster designation allows the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) to extend much-needed emergency credit to producers recovering from natural disasters through emergency loans. Emergency loans can be used to meet various recovery needs including the replacement of essential items such as equipment or livestock, reorganization of a farming operation or the refinance of certain debts.

USDA Seeks Input on New Grant Program to Strengthen Food Supply Chain, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Improve Working Conditions for Farmworkers

WASHINGTON, September 21, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is gathering input to help shape a recently announced planned grant program focused on improving the resiliency of our food and agricultural supply chain by addressing labor shortages in agriculture, reducing irregular migration through increased use of legal pathways, and improving labor protections for farmworkers. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will hold three virtual listening sessions on Sept.

USDA Seeks Input on New Grant Program to Strengthen Food Supply Chain, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Improve Labor Protections for Farmworkers

WASHINGTON, September 21, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is gathering input to help shape a recently announced planned grant program focused on improving the resiliency of our food and agricultural supply chain by addressing labor shortages in agriculture, reducing irregular migration through increased use of legal pathways, and improving labor protections for farmworkers. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will hold three virtual listening sessions on Sept.

USDA Accepting Proposals for State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement Initiative

ALEXANDRIA, LA, May 12, 2020 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is now accepting new or modified proposals from state governments for its State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) Initiative. Through SAFE, vital habitat is restored to meet high-priority state wildlife conservation goals. The deadline to submit proposals is June 19. 

USDA Seeks Input on New Grant Program to Strengthen Food Supply Chain, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Improve Labor Protections for Farmworkers

WASHINGTON, September 21, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is gathering input to help shape a recently announced planned grant program focused on improving the resiliency of our food and agricultural supply chain by addressing labor shortages in agriculture, reducing irregular migration through increased use of legal pathways, and improving labor protections for farmworkers. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will hold three virtual listening sessions on Sept.

USDA Announces Fiscal Year 2023 Sugar Loan Rates, Allotment and Marketing Allocations


WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2022 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) today announced sugar loan rates for crop year 2022 (fiscal year 2023). CCC also announced sugar beet and sugarcane allotments and processor marketing allocations for the fiscal year 2023 domestic sugar program.