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USDA Extends Deadline for Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Until August 11

Concord, NH July 21, 2023 –The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is extending the deadline for the new Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program (ODMAP) to August 11, 2023. This extension gives New Hampshire organic dairy producers more than two additional weeks to apply for the program. ODMAP helps producers mitigate market volatility, higher input and transportation costs, and unstable feed supply and prices that have created unique hardships in the organic dairy industry.

Home State Offices Search small Deadline Approaching for USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

Application Deadline is Sept. 11

WASHINGTON, Aug. 28, 2020 –U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds farmers and ranchers that the deadline to apply for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) is Sept. 11, 2020. This program provides direct relief to producers who faced price declines and additional marketing costs due to COVID-19.

USDA Extends Deadline for Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Until August 11

MONTGOMERY, AL, July 21, 2023 –The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is extending the deadline for the new Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program (ODMAP) to August 11, 2023. This extension gives Alabama organic dairy producers more than two additional weeks to apply for the program. ODMAP helps producers mitigate market volatility, higher input and transportation costs, and unstable feed supply and prices that have created unique hardships in the organic dairy industry.

USDA Offers Farm Loans for Farmers Facing Covid-19 Related Challenges


MONTGOMERY, Ala., May 13, 2020 — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds producers that FSA offers farm ownership and farm operating loans to agricultural producers who may not find success obtaining loans from their traditional financial institutions because of COVID-19. Farmers who cannot obtain commercial credit from a bank can apply for FSA direct or guaranteed loans. 

USDA Designates 3 Wisconsin Counties Primary Natural Disaster Areas

This Secretarial natural disaster designation allows the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) to extend much-needed emergency credit to producers recovering from natural disasters through emergency loans. Emergency loans can be used to meet various recovery needs including the replacement of essential items such as equipment or livestock, reorganization of a farming operation, or to refinance certain debts.