By providing assistance to landowners with wildlife habitat management issues through its conservation and resource management programs, FSA programs are considered a major contributor to increased wildlife populations in many parts of the country.
The main focus of FSA's wildlife conservation effort is to ensure efficient delivery of FSA program benefits in a manner that avoids or minimizes adverse impacts to wildlife and their habitat. The policies guiding this effort include the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Migratory Bird Treaty Act and other -wildlife-related statutes as well as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Some of the tools FSA uses in protecting and enhancing wildlife and their habitat include Safe Harbor Agreements and Biological Assessments as a way to identify whether any threatened or endangered species or critical habitat may be adversely affected by the implementation of any FSA programs.
Wildlife - Related Links
- Endangered Species Act (USFWS)
- Endangered Species - Home Page (USFWS)
- Threatened & Endangered Species - Species Info. Page (USFWS)
- American Indian Tribal Rights, Federal -Tribal Trust Responsibilities and the Endangered Species Act
- List of Fish and Wildlife Management Offices - State, Territorial and Tribal
Fisheries - Related Links
- USFWS Fisheries & Habitat Conservation
- List of Fish and Wildlife Management Offices - State, Territorial and Tribal
- American Sportfishing Association - Fishing Statistics
- NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service
- NOAA Fisheries Management Councils
- American Fisheries Society - online searchable journals database
- International Assoc. of Fish & Wildlife Agencies - State Fish and Wildlife links