Related Links
- Council on Environmental Quality:
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Program:
- USDA's Regulations and Manuals:
- National Wild and Scenic Rivers System:
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation:
- National Register of Historic Places:
- National Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act database:
- National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers:
- EPA's Superfund Site:
Statutes (pdf)
- Coastal Barrier Resources Act
- Coastal Zone Management Act
- National Environmental Policy Act
- National Historic Preservation Act
- Wilderness Act
- Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
Executive Orders (pdf)
- Executive Order 11514, Protection of Environment
- Executive Order 11593, Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment
- Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management
- Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands
- Executive Order 12898, Environmental Justice in Minority Populations
- Executive Order 13186, Responsibilities of Federal Agencies to Protect Migratory Bird
Regulations (pdf)
- USDA Departmental Regulation 5600-2 - Environmental Justice
- USDA Departmental Regulation 9500-3 - Land Use Policy
- USDA Departmental Regulation 9500-4 - Fish and Wildlife Policy
- USDA Departmental Regulation 9500-7 - USDA Nonpoint Source Water Quality
- USDA Departmental Regulation 9500-8 - USDA Policy for Ground Water Quality
- USDA Departmental Regulation 9500-10 - Policy of Noxious Weed Management
Read the instructions on Environmental policies.
Go to our eForms site to access the forms. Thank you.
Guaranteed Loan Information (pdf)
- Guaranteed Loan Assistance and Environmental Compliance
- Guaranteed Loan Assistance and Environmental Risk Analysis